,,,,,,,,,, ; ,,,, ; ; ; ; ,,;';';,, ,,,,,, '';''';'' ; ; ''''';';';'''''' ,;' ; '; ,,,, ,,,;,;,,, ;,,,,,,,,; ,; ; '; ,; ;' '; ; ,,; ; ; ,; ; ';, ; ;' ; '''' ; ''' ,; ; ; ,;' ; ';, ; ,;' ;' ,,,, ; ,,;'' , ; ; '' ''';''' '' ''' ,,;'' ; ; ; ,;' '''''''''' ; ;,,; ' ,,;'' This directory contains the collected (and corrected) idioms and proverbs from the ``Nihon-no-kotowaza'' articles posted to nihongo@mitvma.mit.edu and sci.lang.japan nnk010.txt Articles 1 to 10 nnk020.txt Articles 11 to 20 nnk030.txt Articles 21 to 30 nnk040.txt Articles 31 to 40 current.txt Current articles (not yet corrected) kotowaza.euc The whole lot in EUC code (use binary to transfer) The program used to generate ascii representations for kanji (kbanner2.tar.gz) is also available here. This series of articles is currently archived on the following sites: USA: ftp.uwtc.washington.edu [] pub/Japanese/Kotowaza AUSTRALIA: ftp.cc.monash.edu.au [] pub/nihongo/kotowaza EUROPE: kuso.shef.ac.uk [] pub/japanese/kotowaza UK: aiai.ed.ac.uk [] timd/kotowaza I have used several sources for these kotowaza: the three books below; my wife Hitomi; and Mariko and several other freinds who are good enough to put up with my questions. Of course I still manage to make mistakes sometimes, but they are my responsibility! "Even Monkeys Fall from Trees" and other Japanese Proverbs by David Galef. Published: Charles E. Tuttle, 1987 ISBN: 0-8048-1625-5 101 Japanese Idioms by Michael and Senko Maynard. Published: Passport Books, 1993 ISBN: 0-8442-8496-3 A Dictionary of Japanese and English Idiomatic Equivalents by Charles Corwin. Published: Kodansha International, 1968 ISBN: 0-87011-1116 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tim Duncan, AI Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, | | 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN, Scotland, United Kingdom. | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tel: +44 31 650 2747 Email: timd@ed.ac.uk FAX: +44 31 650 6513 | +------------------------------------------------------------------+