Begin3 Title: xitalk X "Talk Interceptor" Version: 1.1.4 Entered-date: 12MAY97 Description: xitalk is an X program that intercepts stuff like talk and write requests and allows predefined responses (such as a talk reply) at the touch of a button. stops you getting your xterms filled with garbage when you dont want to have your xterm obscured. You can click on respond and avoid having to manually open another window and run talk or write or close down whatever you're running to respond to the talk/write request. Also it can be set up to automatically reply to messages, allowing you to respond automagically to write etc requests while you're gone. It can monitor files as well and function as a mail notification program. Keywords: x,talk,intercept,write,wall,mesg,xtalk,xwall,xwrite,xmesg, xbiff,coolmail,mail notification,file watch,tty manager Author: (Caolan McNamara) Maintained-by: (Caolan McNamara) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/system/network/chat xitalk-1.1.4.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/linux/x/utils xitalk-1.1.4.tar.gz Original-site: /pub/linux/x/utils xitalk-1.1.4.tar.gz Copying-policy: GNU End